The following content is comprised of personal opinions, and in no way reflects the opinions of the Peace Corps or the U.S. Government.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August Update

Hey all,

two bits of news.

But first, you'll have to excuse the absences as of late, things have been a little hectic. I'm still working an inflated schedule at the University, and there's no sign of letting up soon. That's good, though, because I'm broke and need money.

First bit of news: I'm happy to report that the Scotland documentary (To The Edge of a Dream) has now moved into the final stages of editing, and should be out for online release by September 8th, 2009. The full length feature will be approx. 35 minutes, with a few shorter versions made for quick digestion.

The big news:

Plans are starting to be solidified for Summer 2010, hence forth to be known as... well, I really haven't come up with a flashy name yet, so it'll be Summer of 2010 for now. I can't divulge the full details and time line yet, but here is what I can tell you.

The summer will start out with another trip up Minnesota's North Shore. I will then head to Colorado. From there I may leave the beaten path (in more ways than one) and head to the Sierra Nevadas. Those, however, are just the small trips for the summer. In mid July I will undertake a new adventure, one unlike anything I'm used to. Preparations have already started, classes are being taken, money raised, equipment checked and rechecked.

I will once again be gone for a month, but this time I will not be alone on my adventure, nor will there be much downtime like in Scotland. Normally, I do all my adventures by myself (hence the Travels of ONE Man). I take a considerable amount of heat for this from my family and friends. SO why do I choose to go solo? While it is potential more dangerous, it is also logistically and physically easier. There is no other person to speed me up or slow me down, to get hurt or be obnoxious. However, given the severity of what this major trip will entail, the relatively long duration, and the added dangers of its style, I have decided that doing this solo would only be more difficult, but downright dangerous and inconsiderate to those that do not wish to see me dead (which is hopefully all of you). Again, I don't want to spoil the surprise, so just hang tight. Its going to be totally awesome!

In addition, two podcast from Bob Cartwright's TGO Challenge 2009 series include interviews with me. They can be found at his website ( and under the tab 'podcasts'. There was an article written about my trip that appeared in both the Savage Pacer and the Prior Lake American two weeks ago. Another article will appear this weekend in the Olivia Times-Journal (Renville County Register now I think?) for anyone out that way...that's you grandma and grandpa.